What is LASIK and how does it work?

LASIK is a bladeless laser vision correction surgery to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. The procedure changes the curvature of the cornea and corrects refractive error, allowing the eye to clearly focus without the need for vision aids like glasses and contacts.

Who is a candidate for LASIK

  • At least 18 years old with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism
  • Ready to eliminate dependency on glasses and contacts
  • Eye-specific factors such as the degree of refractive error, the thickness and shape of the cornea
  • Not currently pregnant or nursing

Your LASIK Consultation

  • The first step towards better vision free from glasses and contacts
  • Make sure to leave soft contact lenses out for at least 3 days before the exam, and any hard or toric contacts at least 2 weeks before the evaluation
  • Our experienced eye doctors perform a comprehensive exam
  • We will use the most advanced imaging and diagnostic equipment to assess the health and strength of your corneas
  • We answer any questions you may have about the procedure and recovery process

Free Virtual LASIK Visit

  • Not ready to schedule a full evaluation? No problem!
  • Have all your questions answered from the comfort of your own home
  • Consult directly with your LASIK surgeon to learn about the procedure
  • Decide if LASIK is right for you!

Your LASIK Procedure

  • Relatively quick procedure, with no need for heavy sedation
  • On the day of surgery, you will get a mild sedative and numbing eye drops to ensure that there is no pain
  • The procedure is performed in approximately 15 minutes for both eyes
  • Plan to have a friend or family member drive you home following the procedure

LASIK recovery

  • Nearly immediate results and fast recovery are two of the benefits of LASIK surgery
  • Vision is blurry for the first few hours after surgery before you nap, followed by a rapid recovery
  • The following morning we will check your healing progress and assess your vision
  • Most people are able to return to work and most normal activities after this exam

Is LASIK safe

  • Yes, LASIK is a very safe procedure
  • While both are safe interventions, laser vision correction may be up to 5x safer than wearing contact lenses
  • No intervention is without risk, however LASIK is among the safest procedures available

How much does LASIK cost

  • Costs vary depending on several factors
  • We strive to make LASIK as affordable as possible, while still providing the highest quality of care that you deserve
  • We will outline the pricing details for your treatment plan at your consultation
  • Financing is available
  • Most HSAs and FSAs will cover LASIK surgery

Are there alternatives to LASIK

  • Yes, we also offer PRK and Custom Lens Replacement
  • Through our personalized examination our surgeons will discuss your options and which may be best for you


Is there a 20/20 vision guarantee with LASIK?

LASIK can greatly reduce reliance on glasses and contact lenses. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary due to factors such as your initial prescription and healing process. No surgeon can ever guarantee 20/20 vision following the procedure. Research indicates that over 90% of LASIK patients achieve vision within the 20/20 range, and 99% experience vision improvement better than 20/40, but individual results may vary.

How should I prepare for my LASIK evaluation?

If you wear soft contact lenses, they should be removed at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to your procedure. For hard or gas permeable contact lenses, removal should take place at least 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery. In some cases, patients who have worn rigid contact lenses for more than several years may need to remove them for longer to get the most accurate measurements possible.

How should I prepare for my LASIK procedure?

You have no restrictions for eating, drinking, or taking your normal medications prior to the procedure.

Is LASIK performed on both eyes simultaneously?

Yes, it is generally recommended to undergo LASIK in both eyes during a single procedure. However, if you prefer to have LASIK done on one eye at a time, you can discuss this option with your surgeon at Michigan Vision Institute
Generally LASIK is performed on both eyes, however if you would like to have only one eye at a time you should discuss this with your surgeon.

Will I have stitches?

No, LASIK does not require stitches.

Will I feel any pain during the procedure?

No. You will get anesthetic to make the eyes numb and comfortable.

What happens if I blink or move during surgery?

While it is important to stay still, we use instruments and sophisticated eye tracking technology to ensure the laser is only active when it is safe to continue your treatment.

Are there any restrictions on my activities after LASIK surgery?

In general, patients typically return to work within 1 to 2 days after LASIK at Michigan Vision Institute. Most normal activities can be resumed quickly, but there are certain limitations to keep in mind, including:
  • Refrain from showering for 24 hours following the LASIK procedure.
  • Do not drive until you receive approval from your doctor during the next-day follow-up appointment.
  • Wear sunglasses whenever you are outdoors during the first week after LASIK.
  • Avoid excessive reading or prolonged TV viewing in the days following LASIK to prevent strain on your eyes.
  • Do not use any eye makeup for 4 days after LASIK.
  • Steer clear of exercise or strenuous activities for one week.
  • Refrain from swimming or using hot tubs for two weeks after LASIK.
  • Do not engage in contact sports for one month following LASIK.

How long does LASIK last?

LASIK permanently changes the curve of your cornea, so it will not wear off or fade. However, your eyes continue to change over time in ways that are unrelated to your cornea and LASIK surgery. For example, as our natural cataracts form we develop presbyopia, and lose our ability to shift our focus from distance to near.

Is LASIK covered by insurance?

In most cases, LASIK is not covered by insurance, however there are some plans which can contribute to part of the treatment.

How much does LASIK cost?

Cost varies by several factors, including your prescription and the type of procedure you choose. We strive to make LASIK as affordable as possible while maintaining the highest level of safety and quality. We offer financing options and will work with you to provide you with excellent vision that works for your budget.